• 740-833-1014



    Student Illness While at School

    Students who are ill should report to the Main Office. They should not stay in the restroom or leave the school without permission.

    Attendance Guidelines: DACC and CBI Students

    CBI students who work and all half-time D.A.C.C. students must sign in every day in the attendance office. D.A.C.C.students are welcome in the school five minutes before their first scheduled activity and must wait in the commons area until the period bell rings.

    House Bill 410: Ohio's Attendance Law- Ohio attendance laws have changed.  Please click here for more information.


    Section 3321.04 of the Ohio Revised Code provides that every parent, guardian, or other person having charge of any student of compulsory school age must send such student to a school which conforms to the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education for the full time the school attended is in session. Such attendance must begin within one week of the date on which the student begins to reside. The responsibility lies with the parent/guardian to notify the attendance office by 9:00 A.M. (833-1022) when his/her student is absent or the student must present an absentee note from his/her parent/guardian to the attendance office on the day the student returns to school or disciplinary action may be imposed. The State of Ohio recognizes only the following as approved excuses for missing school.

    • Personal Illness -10 days per school year
    • Doctors Appointments
    • Severe illness in the immediate family.
    • Death in the family.
    • Religious observances.
    • Family vacation or college visitation with prior approval.
    • An emergency or set of circumstances, which in the judgment of the principal constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence.

    If the student’s absence remains unverified after the second day back, the absence is considered an unexcused absence.

    Only the school administration may authorize absences from school. An explanation for an absence by the parent or guardian of a student does not constitute an authorized absence.

     Attendance Requirements

    • All absences will be recorded on a per day basis in the attendance office. Per period attendance will be kept by the classroom teacher.
    • A student arriving to school two hours after the day begins or leaving two hours before the school day ends will be considered absented one-half day. Absences that are three and one-half hours long will count as a full day of absence.
    • It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of the number and cause of absences. Notes, physician certifications, and other evidence of acceptable absences may be given to the attendance office to be kept in the student’s attendance file.
    • Any student with an excessive number of absences for reasons not listed in the attendance policy may be subject to court referral, O.S.S., or expulsion on the basis of attendance.
    • Students will have two school days to verify an absence.
    • A student must be in attendance for one-half day to participate in an extra- or co-curricular activities, unless authorized by a principal or designee.

    *After 10 days of excused absence by the parent, a doctor’s excuse is required.


    Students must complete the Pre-arranged Absence Form

    The student must make arrangements with each teacher to compete all missed assignments.

    • Student must ask for work prior to absence.
    • Prior agreement between parent/legal guardian and an administrator should be reached with a written record filed in the attendance office in case such absences must be appealed.
    • Make-up work assigned prior to the pre-arranged absence is to be submitted to the teacher upon the student’s return to school.

    Early Dismissals - Written notes from parent/legal guardian must be brought to the attendance office prior to the beginning of the school day of the early dismissal. Students sign out prior to leaving the building and sign in upon returning to school.

    All make-up work is to be completed regardless of the cause of absence.