• Military Familiy Resources Military appreciation

     Delaware Hayes High School supports the many military families that live in our community.  As a school, we understand and value the unique situations that our students face every day.  We want every military family to know that we are here to support them, encourage them and to give them resources they need for success.  Please do not hesistate to reach out to your school counselor or administrator for additional support and assistance.  Our school also recognizes and supports our military and military families in many ways including:

    * Home school for our Jr ROTC program that ranks highly in the nation.

    * Veteran's Day Assemblies held at Hayes and throughout the district.

    * Veteran's Day Parade presence by our Marching Band and Jr ROTC.

    * Veteran's Appreciation Night at Hayes football and basketball games.

    *Administration of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test.

    *Monthly military recruiter lunchroom visits.

    * Military Signing Day at Hayes in the Spring honoring and recognizing students who have comitted to our Armed Forces.

    * Our school website with a link for military families and students to provide resources and agencies for support.

     Helpful Links for Military Families:

    The Purple Star Award-For military-friendly schools-recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation's military.  Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display onsite.

    Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)-The mission of MCEC is to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation.

    Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission-The Compact provides information addressing key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibilty, and graduation.

    Ohio Military Youth and Family Events CalendarA listing of Ohio military youth actvities and camps compiled by the Ohio Adjutant General's Department.

    Ohio Family Readiness and Warrior Support ProgramThe Family Readiness and Warrior Support programs are designed to teach Ohio's Service Members and Families to be "good fishermen" - knowledgeable, aware of resources, adaptable, and networked to succeed and grow from the experiences unique to military culture.  In addition to providing information, the programs provide a platform to meet and relate to other Service Members and Families who understand the challenges and experiences of military life - and the challenges of facing our geographically dispersed force.

    Military One Source-A central hub for the military community.  Provides information about military benefits, deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.

    Ohio Military Kids-A support network for military youth who experience a loved one's deployment.  Provides recreational, social, and educational programs for military youth in civilian communities geographically dispersed througout the state.

    Delaware County Veterans Services-Assists in making applications for benefits administered by the Department of Verterans Affairs (VA) emergency financial assistance and information and guidance in obtaining aid from various federal, state and local organizations.

     ODE-Supporting Ohio's Military Families-Information on a number of Ohio programs to assist military families.

    American Red Cross-Emergency communication for military families, financial assistance, referral services, deployment support and services.

    Veterans Crisis Line-Conncects veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free, online chat, or text.  Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals available.

    March2Success-On-line study materials to help improve scores on standardized tests such as state exit exams, college entrance exams, military entrance exam (ASVAB) and others.  Content includes self-paced study programs in Math, English and Science with a focus of materials on grades 8-12.

    National Military Family Association-Provides information and resources related to services and programs for military families.

    Pets for Vets-Pairs veterans with shelter dogs that are specifically selected to match the veterns' personality.

    Our Military Kids-A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to provide support (grants) and recognition to military children.  Grants pay for participation in activities that help children cope with stress and anxiety while their parents are recovering or absent.

    Sesame Workshop-Provides much-needed support and practical education through Talk, Listen, Connect, a mulitphase outreach initiative to help young kids through deployments, combat-related injuries and the death of a loved one.

    Real Warriors-A multimedia publich awaremess campaign designed to encourage help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds.

    Ohio Higher Education for Veterans-Information and resources related to higher education for veterans, service members and their families.

    Ohio Means Jobs-This site was created to help employers find the right employees and job seekers to find great careers.

    Military Impacted Schools Association-A national organization of school superintendents with a higher concentration of military students.  Provides useful links for military families and educator resources.

    Military Family Resource Guide-Handy reference sheet that includes Service Academy information, various resource websites for military, families, veterans.

    TAPS-(Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors).  Caring for families of America's Fallen Heroes.

    The Recovery Village Columbus-Many veterans struggle with stress and mental illness, which increases their risk for developing substance use disorders. Our goal is to spread awareness of substance abuse and to be an informational resource for those impacted by alcohol and drug dependence.