• The American Rescue Plan:  The Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan

    This plan is developed with stakeholder feedback and will be monitored and revised based on ongoing review through September 30, 2023.

    1. Each LEA plan includes, or will be modified to include, the extent to which it has adopted policies and a description of any such policies on each of the following mitigation strategies:
      • Delaware City Schools followed the State of Ohio Health Orders throughout the pandemic and consulted with the Delaware Public Health Department to ensure the health and safety of all.
      • Universal and correct wearing of masks;
        1. Masks were distributed and provided throughout the Pandemic to all district staff and students. 
        2. Following the orders of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health, masks were no longer be required to be worn beginning on June 2021. Everyone was encouraged to socially distance, utilize good hand hygiene, and stay home if you are ill.   
      • Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding);
        1. Cohorts of students, visual cues and plexiglass barriers were implemented at all buildings and buses in our district.
        2. We spaced students as far apart as possible.  We continued to provide visual cues and plexiglass barriers.
      • Handwashing and respiratory etiquette;
        1. Additional hand sanitizing stations were added at all entrances and throughout the buildings.
        2. Increased hand washing schedules were implemented at our buildings.
      • Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation;
        1. Our staff and custodial staff regularly disinfected surfaces within the building.
        2. The filters in our HVAC systems were changed regularly.  Updated HVAC was installed at our high school.
        3. Additional water fountains with bottle filling features were installed in all buildings.
        4. Air purifiers were installed in all clinics, our training room and student registration office.
      • Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the state, local, territorial or tribal health departments;
        1. Our school nurses were trained to conduct contract tracing in collaboration with the Delaware Public Health District.
      • Diagnostic and screening testing;
        1. Staff members and students reported symptoms and positive COVID-19 test results. Our schools were required to report known cases to the DPHD for those persons physically in our buildings. In accordance with policy, fully vaccinated individuals did need to quarantine if exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual unless symptoms were present.
        2. Families shared their child’s symptoms with their school nurse.
      • Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff and students, if eligible; and
        1. Delaware City Schools hosted vaccination clinics for staff and students  in partnership with Delaware Public Health District in the spring of 2021.
      • Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies.
        1. Individual plans were created in partnership between our families and the school to provide a blended learning model for our students with disabilities and their specific health needs.

    2. Each LEA plan describes how it will ensure continuity of services including but not limited to services to address the students’ academic needs, and students’ and staff social, emotional, mental health and other needs, which may include student health and food services.
      • The Curriculum Department will continue to work with principals and teachers to identify gaps in the content standards. 
        1. Identified standards will be incorporated into the grade level or course curriculum standards that most closely match those that were not taught previously
        2. Embedded Tutors will be used for Reading and Math support in each elementary school
      • The Curriculum Department will continue to utilize district and state level assessment data to identify and address student learning gaps.
      • Surveys regarding the learning environment needs in our district have been utilized to gather information and facilitate decision making. 
      • The district will continue to use Canvas as it's online learning platform for classroom instruction.  
        1. Funds have been used to ensure device availability and connectivity for all students.
        2. Funds have been used for chromebook repairs and replacements.
      • Partnership with Syntero for K-12 SEL and Counseling for both students and staff
      • Embedded Mentors have been used to support students in our middle school and high school

    3. The LEA periodically reviews, no less frequently than every six months for the duration of the ARP ESSER grant period (i.e., through September 30, 2023), and revises its plan as appropriate.
      • The plan has been reviewed as needed, but no less than every 6 months at the district level.

    4. The LEA seeks public input and takes such input into account on (1) whether revisions are necessary and, if so, (2) the revisions to the plan.
Last Modified on August 31, 2023