• Financial Information

    Delaware City Schools strives to provide easily accessible financial information for our stakeholders. We are pleased to share the following reports and additional information is available upon request from the treasurer's office.

    The District's PAFR report was compiled for fiscal year 2023 and has been submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for participation in their award program.  Participation in this program is completely voluntary. 
    The District's ACFR report is compiled on an annual basis and is submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for participation in their award program. This report goes beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles and is further evidence of our commitment to transparency and full disclosure. 
    NOTE: The information included in the ACFR has not been updated for developments subsequent to the date of the independent auditor’s report, which was December 21, 2022.

    The most recent financial forecast is available on the Ohio Department of Education's (ODE) website at: https://reports.education.ohio.gov/report/finance-forecast-submissions
    Audit Reports
    The District's audits are conducted by the Auditor of State of Ohio.  To review current and past audit reports, please visit their website at: https://ohioauditor.gov 
    Contact Us
     For complete financial information about Delaware City Schools, contact the Treasurer's Office at 740-833-1100.